Giving Terms
and Conditions
Automatic payments save time and money.
Paying by credit card or direct debit is a safe, easy, convenient and cost-effective way of getting more money to where it’s needed – the children.
Automatic payment is our preferred method of payment as it significantly lowers our administration costs for staff, printing and postage costs. By participating in the automatic payment system, you allow us to pass on more funds for the education of the children.
You can arrange for us to direct debit your bank/building society or credit card account (Visa or MasterCard). If you prefer to pay by cheque or by money order, make them payable to Mission Educate.
All donations to support Mission Educate programs and vision are tax deductible.
Please read this document thoroughly. For further enquiries regarding your payment, please contact our office by e-mail or the details below.
Automatic Payment Agreement
This document outlines our service commitment to you, in respect to the automatic payment arrangements made between Mission Educate Ltd and you. It explains your rights, our commitment to you and your responsibilities in relation to the arrangements, including where you can go for assistance.
Our commitment to you
Initial terms of the arrangement
In terms of the automatic payment arrangement made between us and signed by you, we undertake to periodically debit your nominated account or credit card for the agreed amount, for your support of our Mission Educate program. All amounts are processed in Australian dollars.
Payment arrangements
Credit Card – The first credit card charge under this automatic payment arrangement will occur on the day you submit your sponsorship (if applying online) or the day that your sponsorship is manually processed (if a signed paper-based form is completed).
Based on your automatic recurring selection, occurring on either the 1st or 15th of the month, if your second payment date is calculated at less than 14 days after your first payment, then the second credit card payment will not occur until the following month, and then each month thereafter.
Direct debit – Drawing arrangements will occur on either the 1st or 15th of the month (as per your nominated selection). New sponsorships occurring on or just before the selected automatic recurring date may not begin until the following month.
If any drawing/payment falls due on a non-business day, it will be debited to your account on the next business day following the scheduled drawing date.
Please refer to our Privacy and Security policy which outlines our commitment to keeping your personal details private, confidential and secure.
Your commitment to us
It is your responsibility to ensure that:
If your sponsorship is via Direct Debit, that your nominated account can accept direct debits (your financial institution can confirm this) and that you are an authorised signatory of the nominated account; OR
If your sponsorship is via Credit Card, that you provide a valid card expiry date as and when it changes; also
On the payment date that there are sufficient cleared funds in the nominated account OR available funds on the credit card; and
You advise us if the nominated account or credit card is transferred or closed; and
You advise us if your contact details (such as address, phone numbers, email) have changed.
If an automatic payment item is returned unpaid by your financial institution, due to insufficient funds, we will reschedule the transfer to try again within 1-5 days. If the second attempt fails, we will send you an email and reschedule the payment for 12 days later.
Due to the fees that we incur with a failed payment, we reserve the right to suspend or cancel your automatic payment if two (2) or more direct debits or credit card payments are returned unpaid by your financial institution. We will contact you to discuss available options.
Your rights
Changes to the arrangement
If you want to make changes to the payment arrangements, contact us at least five (5) business days prior to the next due date. These changes may include: deferring the payment; altering the schedule; stopping an individual debit or credit payment; suspending the automatic payment; change of account details; or cancelling the automatic payment completely. All changes will be processed with a responding email to confirm this change has been carried out.
Please direct all enquiries to our office in the first instance, or to your financial institution. All personal customer information held by us will be kept confidential and securely located. Credit card and bank account details remaining encrypted with SecurePay. (refer to our Privacy and Security policy).
If you believe that a drawing has been initiated incorrectly, we encourage you to take the matter up directly with us by contacting our office by phone on +61 7 5597 7999 (during the hours 9am-3pm [QLD EST]), or email If upon investigation we have made an error we will make the necessary changes and where appropriate you will receive a refund.
We are absolutely committed to ensuring that your concern or dispute is resolved quickly and to your satisfaction, however if you do not receive a satisfactory response from us, contact your financial institution who will respond to you with an answer to your claim:
- within seven (7) business days (for claims lodged within 12 months of the disputed drawing); or
- within 30 business days (for claims lodged more than 12 months after the disputed drawing

How You Can Help!
Your support impacts the lives of real people and their families by providing education opportunities.
We know that education is a catalyst that enables people to break free from the poverty cycle.
Your regular giving or once-only donation can help open a classroom door so children can attend school, provide vocational training and employment skills to unemployed young adults or enable illiterate adults to learn to read and write through our education projects in Mozambique.
You can bring hope where there has been despair for generations because knowing changes everything.