Our Program

Our Goal
To empower people with the knowledge and skills for productive employment that reflects our Christian ethos and contributes to individual and community transformation.

Our Projects
Sewing to success
The Sewing to Success enterprise provides a service to the King of Kings School and Mission Educate Technical Institute communities for the provision of uniforms that are well made and moderately priced. The service is also available to the general community for their sewing requirements. It is hoped that the enterprise will contribute to Mission Educate’s financial sustainability in Mozambique, as well as becoming a training opportunity for those wanting to develop similar small businesses.
Block making enterprise
The need to provide good quality concrete blocks for Mission Educate’s construction requirements resulted in establishing the Block Making enterprise. A commercial concrete block-making machine was purchased to provide blocks for various construction projects and a sales outlet to those in the surrounding community. The enterprise also provides work experience opportunities for Mission Educate Technical Institute trainees. It is hoped that the enterprise will contribute to Mission Educate’s financial sustainability in Mozambique.

How You Can Help!
Your support impacts the lives of real people and their families by providing education opportunities.
We know that education is a catalyst that enables people to break free from the poverty cycle.
Your regular giving or once-only donation can help open a classroom door so children can attend school, provide vocational training and employment skills to unemployed young adults or enable illiterate adults to learn to read and write through our education projects in Mozambique.
You can bring hope where there has been despair for generations because knowing changes everything.