Whats on & events

Runners of all ages participating in the MoziRun on the Gold Coast to raise funds for education in Mozambique

The new Dad & Daughter Sunset Cruise is a beautiful opportunity for dads and daughters to create fantastic memories. Join us on 3 August.

Bring your friends along on a stylish luxury superyacht. Great food, music & fun!

But there’s more to this cruise than meets the eye… The cruise will raise funds for education in Mozambique.

Dad & Daughter Sunset Cruise Fundraising Event on The Gold Coast

The Mozi Run 2024 is taking place at 2 pm, 7 September 2024, at Emmanuel College Oval & Emerald Lakes Precinct, Birmingham Road, Carrara.

It will be a fun family day with different distance runs for all ages.

Runners of all ages participating in the MoziRun on the Gold Coast to raise funds for education in Mozambique

How You Can Help!

Your support impacts the lives of real people and their families by providing education opportunities.

We know that education is a catalyst that enables people to break free from the poverty cycle.

Your regular giving or once-only donation can help open a classroom door so children can attend school, provide vocational training and employment skills to unemployed young adults or enable illiterate adults to learn to read and write through our education projects in Mozambique.

You can bring hope where there has been despair for generations because knowing changes everything.