General, Technical & Community Education
Your support opens doors for more people to escape poverty through our education projects in Mozambique.

From Counting, Reading & Writing To Construction & Farming
Keep scrolling to explore how you can give people access to Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education as well as Adult Learning Pathways with Mission Educate.

Education in Mozambique
Live below the poverty line in rural communities
Almost 50% of the population are illiterate
Students enrolled in primary
Students who complete grade 5
Students enrolled lower secondary
Students enrolled upper secondary
Young adults with no skills for employment.
Help Us Build Schools & Education Pathways
Our vision is to train and foster a generation of integrity and compassion, educated and technically competent, aware of an eternal destiny and transforming their communities and nations. Together with many supporters, we’re seeing lives changed. You can give more people access to Learning Pathways with Mission Educate.

General Education
King of Kings School
The King of Kings School provides quality education for students from Prep to Year 12 in Manga, a community on the outskirts of Beira, Mozambique’s second-largest city. As one of our education projects in Mozambique, the school has a maximum enrolment of 2,000 students and encourages gender equality in enrolment. The retention rates of girls and secondary students far exceed the national average.
The King of Kings School was established in 2001 with a pre-school class. The Primary school began in 2003, and secondary classes commenced in 2008, with the first Year 12 students graduating in 2013. Students in Years 6, 10, & 12 sit for the Mozambican National exams and their pass rates are consistently higher than the national average.

Vocational & Technical Education
The Mission Educate Technical Institute
The Mission Educate Technical Institute provides quality vocational training in three-year diploma-level Civil Construction and Agriculture courses. Developing a positive character, leadership skills and entrepreneurship is incorporated in all courses. We strive for gender equality in enrolment.
The Mission Educate Technical Institute began in 2018, offering courses in Agriculture and Civil Engineering to 200 trainees. The first cohort of trainees completed their diploma courses in 2021, with 173 trainees graduating.
Training at the Mission Educate Technical Institute uses a competency-based model, ensuring that trainees receive theoretical training and practical application experience.

Community Education
The Literacy for Life Project
The Literacy for Life Project provides illiterate adults with fundamental reading, writing, mathematical, basic life and business skills. It is conducted as a partnership with church and community organisations in several Mozambican provinces with low literacy rates. During the course, participants are provided with their own Bible (often the only form of literature available).
Learning materials are presented in 8 modules and incorporate Portuguese and local languages. This ensures that participants receive the socio-economic benefits of understanding the national language whilst remaining connected with their cultural heritage. Basic life skills and skills that enable employment or self-employment are incorporated into the Project.
The Mission Educate Technical Institute began in 2018, offering courses in Agriculture and Civil Engineering to 200 trainees. The first cohort of trainees completed their diploma courses in 2021, with 173 trainees graduating.
Training at the Mission Educate Technical Institute uses a competency-based model, ensuring that trainees receive theoretical training and practical application experience.
Stories From Students

How You Can Help!
Your support impacts the lives of real people and their families by providing education opportunities.
We know that education is a catalyst that enables people to break free from the poverty cycle.
Your regular giving or once-only donation can help open a classroom door so children can attend school, provide vocational training and employment skills to unemployed young adults or enable illiterate adults to learn to read and write through our education projects in Mozambique.
You can bring hope where there has been despair for generations because knowing changes everything.