Our Program

Our Goal
To provide quality education reflecting our Christian ethos to empower people with literacy skills and knowledge, for individual and community transformation.

Our Project
Literacy for Life Project
The Literacy for Life Project is funded by a generous grant from Bible Society Australia.
This Project provides illiterate adults with fundamental reading, writing, mathematical, basic life and business skills. The Literacy for Life Project works in partnership with church and community organisations in a number of Mozambican provinces where literacy rates are low. Participants are provided with their own Bible, often the only form of literature available, during the course.
The Mission Educate Board maintains financial oversight of the Literacy for Life Project through the establishment of and compliance with an annual budget, approved by Bible Society Australia. The Director of the Literacy for Life Project is responsible to the National Director representing the Mission Educate Board, for compliance with the approved budget and the Project’s daily operations.
Learning materials are presented in 8 modules and incorporate Portuguese and local languages. This ensures that participants receive the socio-economic benefits of understanding the national language whilst remaining connected with their cultural heritage. Basic life skills and skills that enable employment or self-employment are incorporated into the Project.

How You Can Help!
Your support impacts the lives of real people and their families by providing education opportunities.
We know that education is a catalyst that enables people to break free from the poverty cycle.
Your regular giving or once-only donation can help open a classroom door so children can attend school, provide vocational training and employment skills to unemployed young adults or enable illiterate adults to learn to read and write through our education projects in Mozambique.
You can bring hope where there has been despair for generations because knowing changes everything.